In class today we were talking about the reconstruction after the Civil War and whether or not it was a failure or a success. This got me thinking about what today would be like if the south had won the Civil War, and how my life would have changed. I know that we live in the North and slaves were free in the North, but how would you feel if the United States were not unified? What if there were still slaves in the South? I think that my life would be completely different. I have many friends who are black and that would not be thinkable, and I also don't know if I would approve of what was happening in the South and how could you act if you think that half of your country is wrong, is it unpatriotic to think that what half of your country is doing is wrong. If the South won the Civil War would they have taken over the North? Since the North made the South abolish slavery, if the South won, would the make the North have slavery?
What are your thoughts?
How would our lives as we know it be changed if the South would have won the Civil War?
I cannot even imagine what the United States would be like if the South had won the Civil War. As we discussed in class it took 100 years after this event to see any change. Therefore, what would it be like if this important event had not even occured? I think that it would separate our counrty and all the positive progress we had made would travel in a negative direction.
I agree with Kimber. I have absolutely no idea what our nation would be like if the South had won the Civil War. Seeing as that was over almost 150 years ago, there are so many things that would be different between the end of the war and present day. I can confidently say that the world would be a very different environment for all.
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