Sunday, March 1, 2009

First Ever

This weekend I was on an airplane and the movie that they were showing was called Flash of Genius. The movie was about the guy who invented the timed wind shield wipers. It was a big deal because this guy tried to sell his wipers to car companies and no one would buy it. Then Ford decided to copy the model and make their own with out giving the guy any credit. So with when the man finds out that Ford stole his model he sues them for all that he has, and now to this day every wiper that is made on a car his family (since he is dead) gets paid a certain amount of money. I thought that it was funny that they made a movie of this guy’s story, and it had Hollywood stars in it also. In my American Studies class we were talking about how people talk about first ever, for example like Christopher Columbus and how people think he is the first ever to come to America. In American Studies we were also talking how a lady was suing McDonalds because she spilled her coffee and got burned and there was no caution on the cup that the coffee was hot. I thought that it was amazing that someone who was the “first ever” can get money and recognition by a movie and there are people who actually are the firsts that no one knows about. If you have any incite on “first evers” or know of a “first ever” that no one knows about, I would like to know and so would other people who read this blog. 

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