This is the picture that I used for my final exam. I think that this picture shows regress of America. I think that the picture is supposed to be Uncle Sam at his weakest, saying that Americans are weak. It is saying that we are lost and need money, and that America is losing. In World War II Uncle Sam was a strong character, he "wanted you". In this picture he "needs your help". This shows hows America has regressed and not progressed. In the final I said that this picture shows desecration to the flag. This shows desecration to the flag, because he is wearing American flag clothes, his stripped pants, and starred shirt around his waste, are both touching the dirty ground with the weight of his body squishing it to the dirt. Also he is using the American flag hat to beg for money, having people put coins from all around in it with the filth of the McDonald's that they just got the change from. His long hair, unshaven face, and no shoes shows that he is facing the bad economy like everyone else, he is poor and in a low social class and needs help like every other average Joe in America now. The sign sitting next to him says "Anything Helps" this shows that he is so desperate that he would take anything. I think that Uncle Sam in this picture is supposed to show what America is like now, he is supposed to represent the average Americans and about the Americans who are suffering from the regression and this bad economy.
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