For the past four years my dad has ran the Chicago Marathon in October. Throughout those years the weather has always been drastic in both hot and cold. The first year that we went to go and watch him it was almost perfect, like 60s which is good for running and good for spectating. The next year that he ran, it was 40 degrees and pouring rain which was like sleet, and the rain was cold. I was wearing my winter coat and gloves, it was so cold. Last year when he ran it was 88 degrees which is so hot that after a certain point they had to close the marathon because it was too dangerous to run in. I was sweating and I wasn't even running, I can't imagine running 26.2 miles in that heat. Yesterday when he ran and we went downtown to watch him, it was about 78 degrees, which is hot for the runners, but not as hot for the spectators. You would think that in October the weather would be pretty consistent with fall weather. That may be true, but then the marathon is cursed. It is weird how the weather could change so much, for being the same Sunday in October every year.
I was talking with my friends about this topic yesterday when we were on our way to the Taylor Swift concert and passing through the area where the Chicago Marathon was taking place. They all thought it was crazy how hot it was in the middle of October. I was wearing a dress and I was burning. When you compare this weather to the past weather, it’s amazing how different they are. It could either be freezing or burning. What do we have to expect for next year??
The weather really has been crazy! Last year right around this time it was like 85 degrees and then this year too! But normally it is only 65 and then any other year it could be like 32! this is insanity! especially because in a few days it'll be 65 degrees. Tomorrow in fact, it appears as though we will have gone from 82 degrees or so to 65 degrees! Remarkable!! Does this mean that in december it is going to be 65 or is it going to be 15 degrees?
This is a very interesting post Jillian. The weather these days is absolutely crazy. From year to year, it is never th same just as you said. For example, in October, it really isn't suppose to be nearly 80 degrees outside. It is suppose to be in the 60 degree range. I agree with what Kimber said and how it it could be very cold or very hot. What is the weather going to be like next year this time?
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