So a lot of people are freaking out about the swine flu, and I do not understand why. The normal flu kills around 30,000 people each year, this flu has killed almost no amount compared to that. The whole thing with if one person in your school gets sick with swine flu, the school has to close down for 7 days, that is crazy. I don't think that if one person has swine flu that the whole school would have to shut down, and even if it did have to shut down not for a whole week.
On Friday in my Ameircan Studies class, someone said that in egypt they were killing all of their pigs because pigs are the ones that create swine flu. First of all the pigs in Egypt are meant to eat compost and they are just making their environment worse by killing all the pigs. Second, you can not actually get swine flu from pigs.
Also in class we were talking about how the name swine flu was offensive to Arabs because swine means pig in Arabic, so they had to change the name. I think that it is stupid and who cares if the disease is named a word that translates into pig, I don't see how this is offensive, most people who speak Arabic do not eat pig any way, so they should not take it to offense.
I think that the whole epidemic is being over done by the media and that if the media did not make a big deal of it then it would not have made people freak out.
What do you think about all this? Do you think that the swine flu is a big deal or made to be bigger by the media?